HDNCG (HD Nepal Consultants Group) is a consultancy firm established in 2005. It has been ventured by a group of professionals with wide experience and knowledge in diverse areas of social. physical sciences, humanities and Hospitality. HD Nepal Consultant Group, a well establish company who will be a path for your success. Our unique work culture is its differentiator. We offer you the knowledge, experience, and skill of the big firms: without the overheads. Our team have worked together in just about every type of hospitality-related business around the globe, for over 12 years. So, whatever your sector or need, you’ll get advisors with many years’ expertise gained at high-profile, international consultancies.
The major objectives of this firm are
- To undertake study, research and evaluation on social sectors like education, health and sanitation, and conduct training in these areas.
- To conduct study, research and evaluation on economic sector (agriculture, industry, urban development, regional planning and poverty alleviation).
- To carry out study, research and evaluation on development and environment, environmental preservation and sustainable development, conservation of environmental diversity, environmental impact assessment, and environmental and watershed management, and conduct training in environmental areas.
- To undertake feasibility study and infrastructure planning and provide consultancy services on GIS and Bio-energy.
- Provide Hospitality related consulting, trainings and structural management
Organization and Management
HDNCG is governed by a Managing Committee presently consisting of three members (Chairman, Managing Director and a Member). There are three other associate members. All the members of the firm are professionals with extensive experience in diverse areas. Similarly, we have competent team of human resources to manage projects and office. A well-established office is in Jhamshikhel, Lalitpur, Nepal. There are offices, meeting rooms and rooms for group work.